New Entrpreneurs (team 1) – Theme presentation

As written in the post below, on March 4th we shared our work with the other 2nd year team and our coaches.

Here’s our presentation.
Make it social – Theme presentation (team1)


And here’s some notes and feedbacks from the meeting.

– Think about security. How can a new entrepreneurs make his ideas private in a new world where internet (and so the absence of privacy) domains?
 For example with business cards, not everyone should have it! If you make it more exclusive it could be more interesting. You can create a network of new entrepreneurs that really have new ideas.

– Bring the new!!!! Not just mix together already existed applications, but think about how your design can really change our reality.

– Talk to new entrepreneurs! Take away the glossy part (sharing, connecting and etc… it’s cool stuff but it’s not enough) and think about what they’re really worried about and how to really help them.

– New entrepreneurs don’t have experience and competence, they don’t have money and time: in six months they have to build up a business. How can you help them? They are CONFUSED! a lot of tools already exists…

– Most of the things you’re proposing are stuff that already exist (like helping platform or agenda tracker)….

– How can you help entrepreneurs globally, from different cultures with one platform? (cross-cultural collaborations)

– Try to define the “new entrepreneurs” in a better way. What he/she is for real, not what you think he is. why you say they’re traveling???? Who told you? Find real examples (Tavi, Nalden…)

– Analyze new trends and new technology. What already exist in the market? Why new entrepreneurs use some tools and not others?


•    taking a step back by doing more research on trends, technology and defining “new entrepreneurs”.
•    come up with other concepts.

Make it Social – New Entrepreneurs [DPA34 Project Description]

The world around us is changing fast, and not all the changes are positive. We’re facing the biggest natural, social and economic challenges our world has ever seen. This project is about the new realities in this world changing and how a New Generation is there to rip up the rulebook and start over.

Background Information | New Generation of Entrepreneurs
New Entrepreneurs

New Entrepreneurs

In this worldly context of change, there is an upcoming influence of a generation of new entrepreneurs, that experiences creative freedom. They don’t wait for something to happen, they start doing it.
With their desire to create and the technical gear (hard & software) available, they are starting their own little businesses – especially if they can’t find their creative freedom within the existing corporations.

Digital is no longer something new, it’s a given. This creates a gap between the perception of technology in the heads of this generation and their client’s perception that digital is a specific discipline.

This is a network-generation of entrepreneurs that is characterized by a cocktail of the concepts ‘multi’, ‘sharing’, ‘inline’ and ‘open’ and that will change the future as they like to do it on their own terms.

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