Everyday Audio



M12 Reasearch Project.

Explorations about how audio can be linked to everyday objects to provide peripheral information while interacting with them.

The research is focusing on how the qualities or atributes of the real soundscapes can be extrapolated into an abstract sounds and still keep the percepion of the soundscape towards the activity.

by Eñaut Arratibel Kortabarria (s099010)

C3 – Creative Color Changing



The C3 (C-cube) project aims to use ‘E-skin’, a cutting edge color changing technology developed by Philips, to improve the output qualities of tangible interaction artifacts. It will allow the communication of information to the user through the visual appearance of the tangible artifact itself by changing its color or even making it transparent! In this project, research is done on the possible applications and implications of e-skin on tangible interaction.