Touris Photo Tagging

Brief Description

With the arrival of digital cameras, the number of pictures taken by tourists have increased dramatically. These pictures are no longer printer, but published in online photo communities, such as Flickr. This project explores a parasitic game that resides between the taking of the photos and the publishing on the web. Players tag the photos taken by other tourists by standing in the background. Once these photos appear online, the players scores points. The player is a harmless parasite in the avalanche of tourist photos.

Objectives / Specifics

(project objectives; learning goals)
The student will learn the basics of image processing (combination of Processing and Myron) and the development of an online service that integrates into existing photo sharing communities. The goal of this project is to develop the game itself and all the necessary software for it. The game should be described on a website that also lists the current score and provides the players with their individual pattern. The most critical aspect is to develop an image processing software that is able to recognize the patterns of the players.

In addition, the usage of the game by the players needs to be investigated. This should take usability and social aspects into consideration.


The deliverables are:
description of the worked out game
tag pattern identifier using an existing image processor
community website for the game

Information Sources
Google Graph API that allows the automatic creation of QR code:

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