Smart brushing

Brief Description

It has proven to be difficult to teach people the proper teeth brushing routine. What is more, even if people know the proper routine, they often get sloppy over time. This can result in all kind of medical problems like tooth decay or even the untimely need for dentures. Obviously this is a problem. The design challenge therefore is to design a device that encourages a ‘proper’ teeth brushing routine. As we prefer seduction over enforcement the product should be more like a coach than like a dictator. Also it is essential that the elements of proper teeth brushing are explored and documented through literature research, observation and interview. This needs to be used as the basis for the design challenge of seducing people to take care of their teeth..

Objectives / Specifics

(project objectives; learning goals)
To understand the elements of proper teeth brushing and to stimulate them through seduction rather than enforcement.


A product, system or service that excourages a ‘proper’ teeth brushing routine

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